Friday, June 29, 2007

A Musical Tribute to Flavored Cigarettes

Well if this don't beat all.

When I stumbled across this I thought it would be more fun with singin' cigarettes like in them old Lucky Strike ads. But no, some darned health nut is makin' the case that flavored cigarettes...uh...I mean...Signature Blends ain't good fer kids.

What a bunch of hooey! I mean what kid would ever find a chocolate, mint or rooty tooty fruity apple flavored cigarette appealin'?

Couple of notes on this here video. I'll betcha when they quote that tobacco memo at the beginin' they're talkin' about this one from the Legacy Foundation's Tobacco Archives.

When they say that Reynolds has been developin' flavored cigarettes since the 70's they probably mean this memo as an example.

Oh and that bit about the 6% of smokers tryin' flavored cigs and kids cottonin' to 'em more is most likely from this Roswell Park Cancer Institute study.

Then y'all got that bit about the flavors bein' picked because they appeal to kids. Utter nonsense, so don't read this memo backin' up that claim.

The video closes with Camel's temporary removal of their Exotics line from last year. We've covered the AG deal on flavored cigarettes before and the introduction of Signature Blends a bunch here at the Big Tobacco Blog. The full list of stuff is on the flavored cigarettes label.

Again, this whole hub bub is a shame. I still don't rightly understand why nobody is willin' to take Reynolds and Camel at their word. What have they ever done to make people think they're interested in marketin' to kids?

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Candy Flavored Smokes: Saved by the Bell

Yee haw everybody!

Well chalk one up fer the good 'ol boys. We finally won one in New York. And believe you me, that state is so kooky and "health conscience" when it comes to tobacco that this is no small feat.

Thanks to the stallin' efforts of the New York State Senate a proposed ban on flavored failed to pass this year in the Empire State. Now, the good folks at Camel can continue to sell rooty tooty fruity apple infused and the rest without fear of government intervention.

Well, at least as long as nothin' changes on that FDA bill the Feds are talkin' about. But I shudder to think about that one (bluuch...shudder).

But in the meantime, breathe easy smokers of Camel Signature Blends...well as easy as you can. And take stock in the fact that the New York State Senate still values RJ Reynolds' right to develop, manufacture, and market candy and fruit flavored smokes that may or may not (but probably don't) appeal to kids.

If y'all like to show yer appreciation to the New York State Senate you can email their head muckety muck here or call him at the number below.

Senator Joseph L. Bruno
President and Majority Leader43rd Senate District
(518) 455-3191

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Hot Off the Inbox: Camel Mobilizes "Confidentially"

Camel Cigarettes are mobilizin' smokers across these United States.

Take a look at this "Camel Confidential" email alert that just hit the inbox of a friend of the Big Tobacco Blog. Apparently some movement is afoot to add a 61 cent tax per pack to all cigarettes.

Of course this is completely unacceptable. We in the tobacco industry are very concerned about the unfair taxation of smokers. Oh and it has absolutely nothing to do with all the studies that show people quit smoking when cigarette taxes go up.

SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Cigarette Smoke Contains Carbon Monoxide.

Dear Rufus:

Right now, there is an effort underway by some politicians in Washington, D.C., to increase the federal excise tax on cigarettes by up to 61 cents per pack.

That would be a 156% tax increase!

Added to the current excise tax rate of 39 cents per pack, the federal excise tax on cigarettes could soar to $1.00 per pack, or $10.00 per carton!

It’s time to take action and tell U.S. Senators and Representatives that enough is enough!

Click here to contact your U.S. Senator and Representative and tell them you are against any attempt to increase the federal excise tax on tobacco products. Urge them to vote against any tax increase.

Call toll-free 1-877-857-8074 to be connected to your elected official. This is a free call.
For more information on this important issue, please visit

Between the federal tax, state and local taxes, and settlement payments, the government raked in almost $33 BILLION in 2006 – just from smokers. More than $7 billion of that went to the federal government alone.

But is that enough for them? No! Some politicians in Washington want to raise the tax significantly higher, placing an even greater economic burden on already over-taxed adult smokers.

Cigarette excise taxes are regressive, unfairly singling out lower-income adult smokers to pay even more. This is an unfair form of “tax profiling.”

Take action today and keep the politicians in Washington out of your wallet!

This e-mail is being sent to you since you indicated that you are a legal age tobacco consumer and that you wanted to receive e-mails announcing special offers and news from R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company's tobacco brands. It is intended for the addressee only and should not be forwarded.

P. S. We hope you enjoyed receiving this message. Click here if you do not want to receive future e-mails from R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company (this will not affect offers sent to you from R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company through regular U.S. mail.)To change your e-mail address, please visit If you want to contact us, please go to the brand website and send an e-mail or call 1-877-265-1913. You can write us at: Camel Consumer Relations, P.O. Box 2959, Winston-Salem, NC 27102-2959. FILTERS HARD PACK 16 mg. "tar", 1.3 mg. nicotine av. per cigarette by FTC method. Actual amount may vary depending on how you smoke. For T&N info, visit

Monday, June 18, 2007

Silly Ol' Camel: Cigs Are Fer Docs!

Y'all know somethin'.

It just makes me ill to see how the good folks at Camel are havin' their name dragged through the mud right know about them flavored cigarettes ....uh... I mean.... Signature Blends. Accusations are a flyin', states are talkin' about bannin' certain types of smokes and the Feds in Washington might start regulatin' us.

Just terrible and so completely unnecessary.

Fer example, Camel is takin' a beatin' right now, but they have a long history of bein' completely honest with the public about their products and their marketin'. I mean just take a look at this little gem from the good ol' days, before all the doctors in the world got so uppity about stuff like health.

How can anyone look at that ad and say the Feds ought to be buttin' in. I don't get it!?!

Friday, June 15, 2007

Flavored Cigs: Goin'...goin'...

The country's first ever ban on flavored cigarettes includin' Camel Signature Blends is on the verge of bein' passed in - where else - New York State.

The story is makin' the rounds and appears on the Capital Confidential Blog which is run by one of them newspaper fellers up there. Word is a ban could come next week.

For shame New York! Now how are the 6% of regular smokers who've tried flavored cigarettes going to get their fix of rooty tooty fruity apple smokes!?! It just ain't fair.

I mean, don't I, as a maker of fine tobacco products, have a constitutional right to make money?

It ain't Camel's fault that kids like fruit.

You know who's really to blame, is them fellers who make Juicy Juice and the like. They're the ones fixin' it so kids like fruit flavors. If they made that juice out of thyme or wheat germ instead of apples and bananas then nobody would be givin' the good ol' boys at Reynolds a hard time.

Them busy body New Yorkers ought to go pick on big-juice, they're the real culprit here. Camel is the victim. All any tobacco company wants to do is create a wholesome product, that is not addictive, not filled with toxic chemicals and not linked to cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, asthma, emphysema or any other disease, syndrome or condition. We do what we do out of love and a desire to satisfy our customers, not out of a blind desire for billions and billions of dollars in profits. Hopefully that clears things up.

Remember Philip Morris motto: "You almost can't say altruistic without Altria."

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

RJR Research: Flavored Cigs Look like Somethin' Younger Kids Would Like

Oh boy. Another RJ Reynolds memo has surfaced on flavored cigarettes, and this one ain't pretty either.
The latest is from a 1980's market research study on infusin' tastes like chocolate and lemon into cigarettes. Reynolds tested the idea of flavors out on both male and female smokers and it went over like somethin' that came out the south side of Joe Camel.

This is from page 36 of an 111 page consumer research study on flavored cigarettes. You can read the full thing here.

Accordin' to research done on RJR's existin' smokers, they weren't interested in flavored cigarettes and noted that the concept reminded them of somethin' non-smokers would find impressive. Worst of all Reynold's internal research showed current smokers felt flavored cigarettes would appeal more to younger kids rather than someone who's been smokin' fer awhile. Well that's just crazy talk!

Of course now some know-it-all health type will compare this to what RJR's Tommy Payne said a couple of weeks ago about the long-standin' controversies regardin' the manufacturin', marketin' and use of tobacco products needin' to be resolved.

Then the health nuts will likely point out the memo from the 70's we had last week and connect the dots to this newly discovered market research they did in the 80's.

And then I betcha those do gooders will say "long standin' controversy over, Reynolds internal paperwork from the 70's and the 80's show they know full well Camel Signature Blends are fer kids."

Makes me sick how people can be so unfair. Why do bad things have to happen to good Camels?

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Silly Ol' Camel Cigarettes Are Fer Kids

So this whole flavored cigarette thing just don't seem like it's goin' away any time soon. Apparently states like New York (of course) are workin' on passin' laws to ban 'em fer good. And there's all sorts of talk about FDA regulation.

Guess some folks just didn't take kindly to Camel re-introducin' flavor...uh...blended cigarettes so soon after pullin' 'em off the shelves. Oh well. Win some loose some.

Reynolds defense is that they ain't callin' 'em by their fruity names so it don't violate any agreements. In a press release smokesperson Tommy Payne went on to say "we believe the long-standin' controversies regardin' the manufacturin', marketin' and use of tobacco products need to be resolved.”

Amen brother.

Of course then some smarty-paints, health-nut type might post this little beauty in response. It's an internal document from Reynolds dated May 9, 1974 which appears to resolve some of them long-standin' controversies regardin' the manufacturin' and marketin' of flavored cigarettes.

Here Reynolds is tryin' to come up with new cigarette ideas and - if y'all look at section number three it appears to show the birth of Frost, Infused, Mellow and Robust. In case y'all have trouble makin' it out the third idea says:

"Another segment of the total market is the new smoker market (youth market). Make a cigarette which is obviously youth oriented. This could involve cigarette name, blend, flavor and marketing technique. The concept would be similar to that employed by Boone Farm Wines; for example a flavor which would be candy-like but give the satisfaction of a cigarette."


Well hopefully none of those health folks will find it and post in on-line. With some sort of reminder about what the new flavor...uh....signature blends are.

Just imagine readin' that memo followed by a description of Camel Robust as “similar to notes found on cocoa and espresso”; Camel Mellow as “accented with toasted honey”; Camel Frost as “Fine Asian Mint… while the creamy finish delivers a smooth, buttery aftertaste”; and Camel Infused as offering “notes of Citrus” and “a sweet apple-like flavor.”

That would be bad.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Grab the kids. It's another classic singalong from Kent

We found another great Kent ad floatin' around the internet.

If y'all have kids might I suggest teachin' 'em this song as a fun singalong fer a rainy day.

Oh wait a second. I'm sorry. What am I thinkin'? There's no way any ads from big tobacco would appeal to kids. Especially not this one with the cute catchy lyrics and cartoons.

Lost my head fer a second there. Enjoy!