Incidentally, I don't get the name of the Campaign Fer Tobacco Free Kids. I looked all over their website and I never once found nothin' promotin' free tobacco fer kids. Look fellers if ya put up a petition callin' fer free tobacco fer kids ol' Rufus will be the first one to sign it. But until then y'all might wanna consider changin' that misleadin' name of yers.
Where was I, oh yeah, the next best thing to free tobacco fer kids, flavor...uh...blended cigarettes. Well there's also advertisin' in the new Cosmo and finally, late yesterday the good folks at Reynolds struck back at them health sidewinders with a blisterin' statement.
I'll paraphrase fer y'all but basically my compadres at Camel are sayin' the health folks got it wrong and there ain't nothin' in the agreement that ended the sale of flavored cigarettes.
Now ya might say, "Say what!?!" Especially if ya remember the headlines that announced "Historic Agreement to End Sale of Flavored Cigarettes" and "Reynolds Agrees to Quit Sellin' Flavored Cigarettes in US."
Well Reynolds is sayin', if y'all look at the full agreement (which ya can here) it calls fer them to take all them flavored cigarettes off the shelves and never market anythin' with flavors like rooty tooty fruity apple again.
So they did quit sellin' 'em...fer a whole seven months. And now they've got 'em back on the market, in magazine ad and stores. Heck some folks have even got 'em on Ebay.
And the key, accordin' to Reynolds, is they ain't callin' 'em flavored cigarettes no more. Now they're Signature Blends.
Instead of Mandarin Mint which was oranges and asian mint you've now got Frost which is just asian mint. They moved the oranges to Infused which is also chocked full of rooty tooty fruity appley goodness.
And the names is nice and ambiguous so it ain't obvious what flavor...uh...blend Infused, Frost and the like are. Well unless ya do a two second google search on Camel Infused and get 10 pages of results, but that's neither here nor there.
Heh, I tell ya', them good ol' boys at Camel are slipperier then a goose in a grinder.
So we'll see what happens now. Some folks are callin' fer the Federal Government to regulate tobacco products while some states like New York are talkin' about an out and out ban on flavored cigarettes no matter what they're called.
Stay tuned.
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