Friday, June 15, 2007

Flavored Cigs: Goin'...goin'...

The country's first ever ban on flavored cigarettes includin' Camel Signature Blends is on the verge of bein' passed in - where else - New York State.

The story is makin' the rounds and appears on the Capital Confidential Blog which is run by one of them newspaper fellers up there. Word is a ban could come next week.

For shame New York! Now how are the 6% of regular smokers who've tried flavored cigarettes going to get their fix of rooty tooty fruity apple smokes!?! It just ain't fair.

I mean, don't I, as a maker of fine tobacco products, have a constitutional right to make money?

It ain't Camel's fault that kids like fruit.

You know who's really to blame, is them fellers who make Juicy Juice and the like. They're the ones fixin' it so kids like fruit flavors. If they made that juice out of thyme or wheat germ instead of apples and bananas then nobody would be givin' the good ol' boys at Reynolds a hard time.

Them busy body New Yorkers ought to go pick on big-juice, they're the real culprit here. Camel is the victim. All any tobacco company wants to do is create a wholesome product, that is not addictive, not filled with toxic chemicals and not linked to cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, asthma, emphysema or any other disease, syndrome or condition. We do what we do out of love and a desire to satisfy our customers, not out of a blind desire for billions and billions of dollars in profits. Hopefully that clears things up.

Remember Philip Morris motto: "You almost can't say altruistic without Altria."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

yep down here in Australia we got that around 6 months back, had some good ones but sadly will be missed. DJ Mix was there name, we still have flavoured cigars but don't quite cut it when you just want a quick smoke.