Friday, June 29, 2007

A Musical Tribute to Flavored Cigarettes

Well if this don't beat all.

When I stumbled across this I thought it would be more fun with singin' cigarettes like in them old Lucky Strike ads. But no, some darned health nut is makin' the case that flavored cigarettes...uh...I mean...Signature Blends ain't good fer kids.

What a bunch of hooey! I mean what kid would ever find a chocolate, mint or rooty tooty fruity apple flavored cigarette appealin'?

Couple of notes on this here video. I'll betcha when they quote that tobacco memo at the beginin' they're talkin' about this one from the Legacy Foundation's Tobacco Archives.

When they say that Reynolds has been developin' flavored cigarettes since the 70's they probably mean this memo as an example.

Oh and that bit about the 6% of smokers tryin' flavored cigs and kids cottonin' to 'em more is most likely from this Roswell Park Cancer Institute study.

Then y'all got that bit about the flavors bein' picked because they appeal to kids. Utter nonsense, so don't read this memo backin' up that claim.

The video closes with Camel's temporary removal of their Exotics line from last year. We've covered the AG deal on flavored cigarettes before and the introduction of Signature Blends a bunch here at the Big Tobacco Blog. The full list of stuff is on the flavored cigarettes label.

Again, this whole hub bub is a shame. I still don't rightly understand why nobody is willin' to take Reynolds and Camel at their word. What have they ever done to make people think they're interested in marketin' to kids?

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