Friday, April 20, 2007

One thing I know: Kids Dig Penguins

I recently went to the Georgia Aquarium. Neat place, lots of fish. Got in trouble for droppin' a line in the Beluga tank but that's a story fer another time.

At any rate, I noticed that them kiddies was all lined up to see the penguins. Don't know what kids like about penguins but I promise ya they're grape ape crazy about the little buggers. Trust me we've done the research.

Well if yer a parent have I got a treat fer you baby! Happy Friday from the Big Tobacco Blog. Go pick up lil' Jimmy or Johnnie or Jenny and park 'em in front of the computer for this. Sit back, relax, fire up a Liardare Carolina 100 and let my friend Puffy the Penguin tell you how your kids can be KOOL!

Yup clean as a breath of fresh air baby!

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